Paris Olympics Report 2024

What an unbelievable two weeks the Paris Olympics have been. All the excitement of the sport and the emotion attached to the competition. Our very own representative Alice Kinsella led the GB women’s team to an outstanding 4th place, missing out on the bronze medal by just 0.2.

Alice shouldered all the responsibility of her team as the last gymnast up on the beam in the team final. We all watched her give a faultless performance to challenge Brazil for the bronze.
Brett Ince, the head of our Elite programme was the coach with the GB team and did a great job of keeping them all calm under huge presssure.

Alice qualified for the individual final of 24 where she performed excellently to take the 12th place, the competition was huge with Simone Biles of USA winning the title.

Christine Still, Head Coach, was the other member of Park Wrekin at the Olympics, commentating for the BBC,
what an amazing competition to witness and report on!

We at Park Wrekin could not be more proud of Alice and the team, it’s a very special moment in our clubs history.